What is the difference between G1, G2 and G Full in Ontario

In Ontario, the G1, G2, and G licenses represent different stages of the graduated licensing system.
  1. G1 License: The G1 license is the first level in the graduated licensing system. It is obtained by passing a written knowledge test and a vision test. G1 drivers must always be accompanied by a fully licensed driver with at least four years of driving experience and a blood alcohol level of less than 0.05%. G1 drivers are required to display a G sign on the rear window of the vehicle and are subject to certain driving restrictions, such as not driving on 400-series highways, driving between midnight and 5 a.m., and not having any alcohol in their system while driving.
  2. G2 License: The G2 license is the second level in the graduated licensing system. To obtain a G2 license, G1 drivers must pass a road test. G2 drivers have more privileges compared to G1 drivers and can drive without a fully licensed driver accompanying them. However, there are still some restrictions, such as a blood alcohol level of less than 0.05%, and the requirement to display a "G2" sign on the rear window of the vehicle. G2 drivers can drive on all Ontario roads, including 400-series highways.
  3. G License (G Full): The G license, also known as the G Full license, is the final stage of the graduated licensing system. It is obtained by passing an advanced road test. G license holders have no driving restrictions or requirements to display signs on their vehicle. They have full driving privileges and can drive on all Ontario roads, including 400-series highways, without any blood alcohol level restrictions.

It's important to note that each stage of the graduated licensing system has its own set of rules and requirements, and drivers must progress through the stages by meeting the necessary criteria and passing the required tests.

In Ontario, the graduated licensing system is divided into three stages: G1, G2, and the full G license. Each stage has its own specific rules and requirements that drivers must adhere to. Progressing through the stages requires meeting certain criteria and successfully passing the required tests. The system is designed to ensure that new drivers gain experience and develop their skills gradually, prioritizing safety on the roads. It is important for drivers to understand the rules and requirements of each stage and to fulfill them in order to progress towards obtaining a full G license.
g1 vs g2